HG ASW-G-56 Gundam Gremory


Most of the IBO Gundam designs haven't resonated with me... Except for the Gremory. The high heels, cloak, broken anchor, and claws are great. The design has that 'grim reaper' aesthetic without needing Deathsycthe Hell's goofy bat wings. 

The Gremory is built on the same internal frame as most if not all the other HG Gundam IBO kits. There are a few challenges to contend with, the worst being the seamline that's front and center on the knee. I tried (somewhat successfully) to mirror the seamline and make it a panel line. I also recarved panel lines, added new panel lines, and reshaped various pieces. 

The kit is fully painted, however, I did not record any of the custom mixes.  


  1. Looking good, been following you for a while and I think I'll be getting a Zaku 2.0 for myself as a starter over the holidays. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I hope you picked up that Zaku over the Holidays. Zakus are great kits and a good place to start.


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