RG MS-06S Johnny Ridden's Zaku


I picked up the RG Char Zaku on a whim at a Kinokuniya last summer. I had a bad experience with the mass production version of the Zaku back in 2011. I broke a lot of parts, lost the power pipes, and generally made a mess of things. That project resulted in this custom RG Zaku 1 it isn't my best work and I always wanted to come back and make another attempt at the design.

There's a P-Bandai MG version of Johnny Ridden's MS-06S Zaku Custom. It's a cool-looking kit with a simple, retro decal design. But, it's also hard to find at a reasonable price. The RG Johnny Ridden custom is a pretty easy conversion from Char's custom. There's only one extra part needed to make the Johnny Ridden version, the commander's horn. This part is available on the RG Johnny Ridden Shin Matsunaga or Black Tri-Star High Mobility types. The decals used on this kit are from the RG Char Zaku set with a few additional decals from the RG Johnny Ridden set. I hand-painted the lightning bolt decal onto the shield since there doesn't seem to be a 1st or 3rd part decal at this scale available. 

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All of the colors on this kit were custom mixes. I didn't record the ratios or colors used. 
